Friday, August 29, 2008

Tired of chasing your mouse? Use keyboard shortcuts

Taken from a Microsoft Website. Click Keyboard shortcuts here

The mouse, one of the greatest advances in computing history, provides you with an intuitive point-and-click method for using your computer. Depending on the type of work you're doing, however, sometimes using a mouse actually slows you down. If you are a good typist, taking your hands away from the keyboard to move the mouse can use up a few seconds. Over the course of a full day, you could save several minutes by using keyboard shortcuts instead of the mouse.

Checkout this website for a fow pointers.

Keyboard shortcuts here

Monday, August 25, 2008

Get your Groove on!

Do you need files away from the office? Do you need to share files securely with a Team that's spread all over?

If you haven't heard about Microsoft Groove and you are either

1. a mobile user that's always on the go and uses both laptop and desktop or

2. if you have the constant need to collaborate and share files with others whenever and where ever they are or outside of your organization...

Then Groove is for you. It is an awesome collaboration tool that allows you to share files without ever having to lift a thumb drive or send an email.

The problem with email is that you end up with multiple versions and hassle with emailing the most recent back and forth. The other challenge is if the person you collaborate with is outside of your organization or in another network. With Office Groove 2007 there are no boundaries. You can work on any network, on or off line and still be able to share files seamlessly as never before.

The Basics

In simple terms, you create a "workspace" on your computer which is a folder that you can share with whoever you send an invite to. Once the other person has received your invite via email, the contents of the folder automatically synchronize. Anytime something is deleted, added or changed it automatically syncs up! Way cool... It's all encrypted and transmitted securely.

I use this all the time because I'm constantly working on my work PC, my laptop and my home PC. I'm lazy, so anything I can do to avoid unnecessary steps works great for me. When I'm at the office I simply save a document into my personal "workspace" folder that I happen to keep on my desktop. When I get home or when I'm on the road, I fire up the laptop and presto, the document is already there in my "workspace" folder ready to go. I keep on working without the worry of.... "I forgot my thumb drive" or "I forgot to email myself the file". Gone are those days.

Another example is the sales force that has people placed around the globe. VPN's and remote connections can be cumbersome and are dependent on reliable Internet connections.

The Bonus

With Groove, you can work off line and when a good connection comes along, it syncs then and there so you don't loose valuable time while on the plane for example.

In the end, definitely something you might want to look at. This was one of those things that I was hesitant to use but as soon as I did, I became an addict.

You can check out Microsoft Groove at